воскресенье, 2 ноября 2008 г.

Physicians declare, that men have menopauses

The man's menopause is known. As transfers КорреспонденТ.net, its symptoms include depression, muscular delicacy and addition in weight. Recent researches have shown, that the given disease can be bound to adiposity and diabetes.
Arising at age falling of viagra super active level of Testosteron-Depotum, menopause from which 20 % of men suffer, can be cured therapy on replacement of hormones (hormone replacement therapy), assures scientists.
Eberhard Nishlag, the expert in andrology, from Mjunstersky university in Germany, is assured, that men with symptoms of deficiency of level of Testosteron-Depotum should be checked at the doctor. They buy cipro should not write off all on ageing.
Nishlag speaks: «It can be depression, weariness, depression of sex interest, fragility of bones - all these factors can speak about a disadvantage of Testosteron-Depotum of blood».
«Age depression of level of Testosteron-Depotum is a reality», - speaks Adrian Dobs from John Hopkins's university in Baltimore, staff Mirilend, adding thus, that if at the man the given signs it is necessary to prescribe treatment are found out.
Growing unanimity about the fact of existence of a man's menopause has induced a large quantity of the organisations worldwide including International association on research of man's ageing, International levitra community and European urological association, to recommend to test men.
In particular they call all suffering diabetes and having symptoms of deficiency of Testosteron-Depotum to be checked at corresponding experts. It will allow to tap much more larger quantity of the men, suffering a disadvantage of level of Testosteron-Depotum.
«It should tap set of men with low level of Testosteron-Depotum which before houses simply would sit and have gone to the doctor», - Hju Johns from Shefildsky university speaks.
Set of researches bind low level of Testosteron-Depotum to adiposity and diabetes, though scientists say what too early to say that the hormonetherapy can improve a condition of the people suffering from the given illness.

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