среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

Difficult diagnostics of a prostatitis

The prostatitis is a disease which is presented by the symptoms caused by presence of an inflammation and (or) infectious process in a prostate. Number of symptoms concern: emiction disturbances, a pain in the field of a perineum, increase of an emiction and a pain during an ejaculation.

The acute bacteriemic prostatitis is usually ultram cheap acutely arisen disease with the body heat, the expressed disorders of an emiction, positive takes of research of urine on microorganisms and the flabby, enlarged and painful prostate at inspection.

The chronic bacteriemic prostatitis is characterised by a constant bacteriemic infection and presence of inflammatory cells in a prostate secret, despite numerous courses of long antibacterial therapy. Such buy vpxl preparation patients are disturbed for a long time by the symptoms accompanied by moderately expressed difficulty of an emiction.

To diagnose a prostatitis difficultly when it is not acute bacteriemic disease. It is difficult to carry out differential diagnostics between other diseases of a prostate as symptoms and the given inspections can be similar. The most frequent originator of a prostatitis is E. coli and a pyocyanic rod.

Patients often have stones in a prostate which can contain bacteria and subsequently serve as the reason of repeated infections. Now buy phentermine generic from all prostatic syndromes the prostatodynia most difficultly gives in to treatment as at it it is not found out neither infectious, nor inflammatory processes. To important such patients to acquaint with the nature of this syndrome.

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