суббота, 22 ноября 2008 г.

The female sexual hormone protects men from a hearing loss

Scientists assert, that a female sexual hormone Oestradiolum which is present both at women, and at men, protects from a hearing loss. The given hormone carries out various functions, including influences http://www.yapharm.com/men_s_health/levitra/ acoustical system of a human body.

New research has been spent led by doctor Barbara Kanlon (Barbara Canlon) from Karolinsky institute in Stockholm, Sweden. A project overall objective was studying of influence of proteins of which Oestradiolum consists, on damages of acoustical system. An ale of it the regenerative processes occurring in acoustical system, at mice with various variations of receptors of estrogen have been investigated.

Scientists have established, that only difference in receptor ER-beta reduces degree of restoration of hearing after a trauma while purchase ultram obline treatment on the basis of the preparations influencing on ER-beta, protects acoustical system of mice. However not only receptor ER-beta takes part in processes of restoration of hearing. According to experts, at mice with disadvantage ER-beta depression of level of a protein under name BDNF, that type of nervous cells necessary for conservation which in acoustical system are exposed to destruction is observed.

Scientists have made the conclusion that opening of protective properties of a receptor of estrogen ER-beta can become a basis of creation of preparations for struggle against disorders of acoustical weight loss phentermine generic online system at the person. The further researches will be referred on acknowledgement of the given theory, experts note.

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