понедельник, 16 марта 2009 г.

The world organisation of public health services has opened a site for struggle against

The world organisation of public health services in cooperation with the several organisations, dealing with problems of AIDS, has started an Internet site malecircumcision.org, devoted to circumcision questions.
The world organisation of public health services recommended a circumcision as a way of preventive maintenance HIV / AIDS by results of several scale researches spent, National institute of an allergy and infectious diseases of the USA in the African countries. As a result of these order Zovirax researches it has been established, that the prepuce circumcision for 60 percent reduces probability of infection of men of a HIV-infection at heterosex sexual contact.
However after many developing countries have cheap generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg started to introduce a circumcision, there was a considerable quantity of the incorrect information on this method. The quantity of the dangerous surgical interventions spent by various folk healers which offer cheap operations with use of unsterile instruments also has sharply increased. These facts also have pushed the CART to Internet resource creation on which scientific researches are collected, legal certificates and articles, called to discredit many myths about a circumcision, for example, that the circumcision on 100 % protects from a HIV and that to the men who have undergone given procedure, it is not necessary to use condoms more.
Besides, on a site there is a practical guidance showing various surgical receptions. As has explained the curator of the project from the The world organisation of public health services order viagra 360 pills doctor Kim Eve Dickson (Kim Eva Dickson), this section is not intended for training to the given receptions as in its ideal the qualified expert should spend only. However this information can help various missionary hospitals with the remote and remote districts, showing new methods of training and taking up questions of surgery, anaesthesia, sex education and contraception.
For the first week a site users not only from the USA, Switzerland have visited, the Great Britain, but also from Kenya, the republic of South Africa, Turkey, Namibia and India..

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