вторник, 3 марта 2009 г.

Gender: Female and man's illnesses

With Any illnesses the men, any - women is more often are ill. Besides, depending on a floor the same illness can be shown variously. Anything surprising - after all and our organisms differ. And, if you value health, that, for certain, want to learn «weak places», inherent to your floor.
Who is ill is more often?
First of all, we will discredit a myth that men are ill less women. Simply men in the majority do not like to go on doctors.
To whom is ill more strongly?
Myth is also that at women the painful threshold is ostensibly lowered in comparison with men. According to scientists a female hormone estrogen interferes with development by an organism of buy cheap cleocin online natural anaesthetising substances - opioids, endorphines and enkephalins. Therefore women suffer from pains, say, at a pseudorheumatism, much more strongly.
Features of psychology
Into delusion we are entered also by features of man's and female psychology. Men are inclined to complain of the sores much more often and more persistently, than women: the slightest malaise plunges them into a panic, after all then they lose the man's priority! Women are more hardy, after all them bring up as future mothers (and the motherhood too is bound to a pain!) and keepers of the family centre.
At whom arms are purer?
One more myth says, that women risk less to order generic hydrochlorothiazide 25mg pick up any infection as they are cleaner. Researchers from University of Colorado have found out, that only on female arms meets on 50 % of more versions of microorganisms, than on the man's. This results from the fact that at men the skin is is better flavoured by protective fatty greasing, also they sweat (thus more acidity) raises. The medium, adverse for reproduction of bacteria is as a result framed. At women a skin drier that is bound to anatomy, a hormonal background, and also the massive use of various cosmetic agents.
Illnesses to a sexual sign:
Chicken pox
One of the illnesses depending on a floor, - an ordinary chicken pox. It only children transfer it easily and without special consequences: adults are ill with a chicken pox where more hardly, and this disease can represent threat for their life. And so, on the statistican at men a mortality where order pyridium online from a chicken pox in 2 times above, than at women! Besides it, the transferred chicken pox reduces ability to a fertilization at men. The expert in the field of virology Nigel Higson believes, that the reason for that man's physiology: «the Chicken pox, for example, often causes in men an orchitis - an inflammation and an edema of testicles. Subsequently the patient can experience difficulties with a fecundity during all remained life».
And here the asthma represents the big danger to women. They in 2 times die of this disease is more often. The most interesting, that before the puberty termination is observed absolutely other picture: boys suffer an asthma, than girls is more often. As fault to all the same hormones, doctor Elejn Vikers, the expert in asthma researches considers. According to it, estrogen and progesterone influence sensitivity of respiratory tracts, and a man's hormone Testosteron-Depotum has return influence.

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