воскресенье, 22 февраля 2009 г.

The Italian scientists have made opening which can inspire women to finish a smoking habit. According to results of researches, the women who have refused cigarettes, look younger for 13 years for 9 months.
To this conclusion dietician Lydia Levandovski Viramune and dermatologist Adele Sparavinja have come after carrying out of two large-scale researches. In the beginning scientists have estimated a condition of a skin of 200 non-smoking women. Being based on objective parametres of a skin (elasticity, elasticity, a microrelief), they have developed the scheme of definition of age of a face skin.
In the second research 64 smoking women order generic hydrochlorothiazide should refuse an addiction. Throughout nine months they passed medical examination and handed over analyses. Results have appeared stunning: the skin of the women, stopped to smoke, has looked younger on the average for 13 look pyridium online years. Thus their weight has decreased for some kgs.
Results of researches are used already in the campaign by the Italian union on struggle against smoking. Recently in the country there were publicity boards with an inscription: "Having stopped to smoke, you will become beautiful!".

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