вторник, 10 февраля 2009 г.

The American with the replaced person have discharged from hospital

The woman, the first in the USA transferred transplantation of tissues of the person, has been discharged from hospital in the end of last week. According to doctors, the recovery rate of the patient after operation has surpassed the most optimistical forecasts.
The operation first in America on a partial face transplantation has been spent in Clinic of Clevelend in the beginning cheap lincocin online of December of last year. To the woman disfigured as a result of a trauma, it has been replaced about 80 percent of a surface of the person. The graft included not only soft tissues, but also an appreciable part of a facial skeleton.
At present in the world it is spent four successful transplantations of tissues of the person, however the operation spent why pyridium online to the USA considerably surpasses in complexity all previous interventions such.
Circumstances at which the American was traumatised, and also a name and a residence of the patient are not disclosed for ethical reasons.
According to plastic surgeon Maria Semyonov supervising operation, at the patient it is not observed graft rejection signs. Now the American can independently accept nutrition, drink and even to blink eyes. Besides, operation has allowed it to breathe without difficulties - during several previous years, because of deformation of respiratory tracts as a result of a trauma generic hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg and the subsequent unsuccessful reconstructive operations she had to breathe through a tracheostomy.
Now the woman can is quiet go along the street, not involving attention of associates - because of the sick size of a graft the scars which have remained after operation are not evident, and, except for the small edema, the new person looks naturally enough, has informed Simeons.

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