четверг, 11 декабря 2008 г.

The sexual giant

Many men ask a question as so it turns out, someone is capable to make sexual intercourses many times successively, and someone and with one hardly consults. It appears, Testosteron-Depotum is guilty in it. Level of this hormone regulates an erection, however at once I will make a reservation, that strict dependence between level of hormones and a sexual gigantism is not present. But, being aged, even if you were adjusted for good night, had order Revatio a rest, all the same hardly you can make five and more sexual intercourses for a night.

And if you spend time with the new partner to whom test strong passion 2-3 certificates are a limit at mature age though it is final, from all rules there are exceptions. Certainly, numerous sexual intercourse is important for many women, but also for them there is a limit, researches have established this limit around 3-4 times for days. You all the same still wish to become the sex giant, despite researches and experiments of scientists?

Then, first of all, well eat, walk much, try to have a rest before sex and … float.

By scientists it has been established, that swimming positively influences cardiovascular system and as water is excellent "masseur" for genitals of men. But to be the tireless lover it is ultram 50 mg online possible to learn. It appears, that the man's orgasm and an ejaculation are different things. Also there are the techniques, allowing to receive an orgasm without an ejaculation. And more low we will survey some of them.

It is possible to name the most simple method a method "stop start". When you masturbate practically to an ejaculation, but during the latest moment stop. There is a method based on physiological features of an ejaculation. Before the ejaculation testicles rise to a body, therefore, holding them below it is possible to achieve that the ejaculation will not occur. There is still a so-called technics of "tightening".

The short is that, that is direct before the ejaculation, compress an end of a penis two fingers from below, and the big phentermine pharmacy finger from above. "Training" is better for spending, laying on a back.
Start to masturbate, and when will finish itself practically to an ejaculation - compress a penis and wait desires to it. So do some times before to allow to a seed to stream.

But, speaking about the methods, capable to help to the man to become the sexual giant, it is not necessary to forget, that many failures happen from a psychological dissatisfaction. Before to "treat" itself for insufficient quantity of sexual intercourses for a night, frame a good psychological situation, eliminate any reticences and discontent with the partner who have red female magazines, tries to diversify sex. Probably, the cosiness and comfort in relations with the partner will help you to become the sexual giant.

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