воскресенье, 30 ноября 2008 г.

Also kiss to itself on health …

To one very interesting conclusion two groups of scientists, German and Austrian have come: they have analysed value of a kiss for men and for women. And as it has appeared, the kiss for many women is more important than sex.
According to data of German research, the man survey a kiss basically as a habit or some kind of obligatory exercise. And women attach its larger significance in respect of intimacy and in some cases consider as its more important in comparison even with employment by love.
"Women give the big importance to kisses while men can and at all without them manage", - has told the author of research Ingelora Ebberfeld, the sexologist from Bremen. 514 persons have taken part in its research at the age from 16 to 91 years: from them of 56 % of women and 44 % of men have told, that kiss pleasure. Though in a concrete situation of sexual intercourse weight loss purchase phentermine online of difference in estimations between men and women are less significant: 9,7 % of women and 10,7 % of men have told, that do not kiss during intimate affinity.
At the same time research has shown, that the woman is important intimacy of kisses. This aspect has received acknowledgement and during interrogation among prostitutes: only smaller part from them allows itself to kiss on sex time for money. The widespread explanation - a kiss for their work means something deeply personal.
Two thirds of women, according to the German expert, are convinced, that the man, able to kiss, is the good lover. Almost buy ultram 50 mg half from them is ready to subscribe under a phrase: "the good kiss is better than a coitus". On the contrary, two thirds of men have told, that do not agree with last statement.
Moreover, the experiment spent by the Viennese university, has come to the end with a conclusion that regular kisses are useful to health and can have medical effect. Scientists have established, that the long and passionate kiss reduces not only a blood pressure, but also quantity of buy levitra 10mg online cholesterol in blood, that, thus, reduces risk of an infarct.
Besides, kisses strengthen immune system: with each kiss the considerable quantity of the bacteria containing in a saliva which are transferred from one partner to another is liberated. These bacteria, in turn, promote development of antibodies, training immune system.
The physical advantage of kisses consists also in training to which various face zones are exposed: it has been proved, that in the course of a kiss 25 facial muscles which reduction benefits not only to the person, but also all body are involved.
So kiss more and more longly!

среда, 26 ноября 2008 г.

It is easier to man to satisfy the woman in «special days»

To pleasure of men, scientists have found out, in what days of the woman receive more pleasures from sex. Now the obtained data considerably will simplify a life to modern Casanovas.

The group of the American scientists has found out, that change of level of a female sexual hormone of estrogen influences certain sites of a brain. This opening can explain differences in mood at women before a menses and that fact, buy levitra vardenafil online that in certain days of the woman receive more pleasures from sex.

As writes Telegraph, estrogen influences on so-called "compensation system" brain. It defines degree of pleasure from various kinds of activity, whether it be sex or chocolate eating. Researchers have found out, that the peak of development of estrogen is necessary on the first part of a menstrual cycle.

"Hyperactivity of system of compensation of a brain can raise at this time interest to sex activity and satisfaction from it", - the scientist from National institute of mental health of the USA speaks Karen Berman. Berman worked over the research published in "Bulletin of National academy of sciences".

"It specifies for the first time that female hormones influence system of compensations rather in unusual way during buy ultram 50mg the certain periods of a cycle", - has told doctor Berman which has underlined also, that these results do not mean, that women are more emotional or men are more subject to influence , than.
During research experiment in which frameworks of the woman played virtual game with the computer was made. It has been shown, that reaction of system of compensation of a brain at them fluctuates depending on the period of a menstrual cycle. For example, in 4-8 days after the menses beginning the frontally-orbital cortex of a brain, and amygdaloid gland were more active.

Scientists notice, that this phenomenon can weight loss order phentermine genericonline explain also results of other researches which have shown, that women are less subject to influence of cocaine and amphetamines on a certain phase of a monthly cycle. Besides, the new facts can promote understanding why women are less subject to schizophrenia, than men.

понедельник, 24 ноября 2008 г.

Widespread traumas at sex

It is considered, that the best, most qualitative sex - instinctive, almost animal, with completely disconnected intelligence. Unfortunately, together with a head the instinct of self-preservation is lost also. So it is possible to explain, that third of inhabitants of a planet is received regularly during sex by physical injuries. And people put a part of traumas to themselves.

More often to be traumatised partners "help". Ecchymoses, scratches, grazes, perhaps, anybody at all does not consider. In the raised condition the painful threshold and very few people pays attention to similar trifles decreases. But then it is necessary to pay off: ecchymoses pass slowly, the bitten dummies, ear lobules of ears and other gentle organs inflame, bulk up and some days are ill, and if under the acute fingernails which have left on a back (or on more sensitive places) deep bleeding wounds, were dangerous microbes just right to run in an out-patient department and to enter antitetanic Serum.

It is not so obligatory to try to repeat the most exotic poses of the Kama Sutra to receive stretchings, ruptures of ligaments, damages of joints and fractures. Similar traumas can trap any, especially if the physical condition leaves much to be desired.
It is beautiful to throw the partner on a bed, and then from running start to jump on it - from films many tried to repeat this trick. The landing was successful not at all.

Accidents at oral sex take a special place in medical practice. Gets to both partners: women start a teeth and suffer from hit in a windpipe of a semen and condoms.

At men in a passion impulse the bridle can weight loss order phentermine tear also. It is not terrible, heals quickly, but is painful enough.

All the same it is the most safe to love each other on spacious, for this purpose, actually, and the intended bed. And here admirers of employment anywhere and on what has got risk sex to receive "attritions" in a lap, elbows, to prick a plug, is not clear why appeared on a kitchen table, to burn gentle parts of a body about what for the battery located under a window sill.

Certainly, to make love in any place unusual most improper for this purpose, moreover in worthy acrobats of a position can seem tempting and raising, but hardly it is necessary to do it by own life. That ultram tablet is why it is not necessary to forget, that, having sex on a handrail of a balcony of the eleventh floor, it is possible not only to put a psychological trauma to children from neighbouring houses, but also, having lost balance to fall downwards. Unusual for partner unusual and simultaneously rather weak leg chosen for the partner (people like to make love on step-ladders, a swing) is in the habit to be fractured or develop during the most responsible buy levitra 10 mg moment and becomes the reason of the most serious damages of a backbone.

As a rule, many hesitate, in case of not planned development of a plot, to address to the doctor. Physicians saw and not such! It is not necessary to pull, aggravate a situation - complications will not keep itself waiting. In a similar unforeseen situation it is necessary to call immediately to the doctors, delicate your problem would be what.

суббота, 22 ноября 2008 г.

The female sexual hormone protects men from a hearing loss

Scientists assert, that a female sexual hormone Oestradiolum which is present both at women, and at men, protects from a hearing loss. The given hormone carries out various functions, including influences http://www.yapharm.com/men_s_health/levitra/ acoustical system of a human body.

New research has been spent led by doctor Barbara Kanlon (Barbara Canlon) from Karolinsky institute in Stockholm, Sweden. A project overall objective was studying of influence of proteins of which Oestradiolum consists, on damages of acoustical system. An ale of it the regenerative processes occurring in acoustical system, at mice with various variations of receptors of estrogen have been investigated.

Scientists have established, that only difference in receptor ER-beta reduces degree of restoration of hearing after a trauma while purchase ultram obline treatment on the basis of the preparations influencing on ER-beta, protects acoustical system of mice. However not only receptor ER-beta takes part in processes of restoration of hearing. According to experts, at mice with disadvantage ER-beta depression of level of a protein under name BDNF, that type of nervous cells necessary for conservation which in acoustical system are exposed to destruction is observed.

Scientists have made the conclusion that opening of protective properties of a receptor of estrogen ER-beta can become a basis of creation of preparations for struggle against disorders of acoustical weight loss phentermine generic online system at the person. The further researches will be referred on acknowledgement of the given theory, experts note.

пятница, 21 ноября 2008 г.

Indifference influence a potency

Today it is necessary men very much not easily. It is necessary to be the head of the family so, the getter that you respected and appreciated. It is necessary to have worthy work to contain a family. Thus an indicator of a mortality among men above, than at women. Moreover in addition to all listed not a rarity for a strong half of steel of a problem with a potency. If earlier about this illness heard units today doctors-sexopathologists of such patients have enough. The majority of references of men to sexopathologists weight loss buy phentermine is reduced to complaints to a weak erection.

Experts define a potency, as force and an orientation of a sexual inclination. Besides, this concept includes duration of an erection, hence, duration of sexual intercourse. To name the impotent man it is possible only that man who does not have either desire, or erection, ejaculations.

Sex powerlessness can have psychological character. In that case the erection at the man arises, for example, at an onanism, viewing of erotic photos and films, at dialogue with other woman. But thus buy cheap ultram does not leave feeling of pavor: whether there will be an erection? At the same time there are organic reasons of sexual powerlessness. They are various: of some to get rid easily, and here from others not so it is simple.

Sexopathologists assert, that the potency of the man in many respects depends on the woman who is near to it. Much is reduced to mood of the representative of a fine half. After all it can be tender both passionate with the weak and not skilled partner, and can be cold and indifferent buy levitra cheap to the most skilful lover. The woman is capable to help, support, encourage, give confidence to the man or, on the contrary, to do much harm, inspire it feeling of full breakdown, accident in a sex life.

четверг, 20 ноября 2008 г.

Illness of 50-year-old men

The prostate cancer, as a rule, amazes men aged, typical age for disease occurrence - 50 years. However this illness is considered one of the most widespread oncologic diseases. In the western countries the prostate cancer already became most often meeting kind of a cancer at men, having buy levitra on line outstripped a lung cancer. However and in our country the quantity of the diseased is enlarged every year. The reasons for it become as life expectancy augmentation (all the same it is illness of elderly men), and improvement of early diagnostics.

In most cases at treatment of a cancer of a prostate the prostatectomy to which all other methods are compared is applied. The prostatectomy represents surgical operation which is characterised by an uncertain outcome and is accompanied by the big hemorrhage, demands high qualification purchase ultram of the surgeon, a long narcosis, and also the big terms of hospitalisation. However in 40 cases from 100 patients who have transferred operation, suffer from an urine incontience, even more they continue to suffer from an impotency. All it, undoubtedly, constrains weight loss order phentermine generic diffusion of surgical treatment of a cancer of a prostate.

вторник, 18 ноября 2008 г.

70 % of the men which driver's experience exceeds 5 years, are sick of a chronic prostatitis

Still recently, appear, all went as it is necessary. Brand new "nine" pleased an eye. At home all too was normal. But suddenly something has changed. The emiction became speeded up and painful, especially in the end. There were obscure pains in a perineum and a sacrum. At first it is imperceptible, and then all is more distinct than a steel to amplify pains after the sexual intercourse. And sexual intercourse has changed. The erection was weakened, the premature ejaculation has begun, the orgasm has decreased. All it has led to occurrence of a so-called complex of "housewife", when all time there buy levitra no prescription are reasons to avoid affinity. Naturally, misunderstanding with the wife have begun, uncertainty in which has gradually passed in proof neurotic reaction began to grow and get stronger.

The diagnosis was simple: a chronic prostatitis. It appears, the man who much is driving about by the car, subjects itself to risk of occurrence of this disease. The reasons here a little:

First, a hypodynamia and the vibration leading to disturbance of blood supply of organs of a small basin and stagnation of blood.
Secondly, vascular reactions at the persons abusing smoking and alcohol, strengthen developments of stagnation in a prostate.

Besides, raised temperature of the weight loss order phentermine online unfortunate testicles constantly pressed to a seat, leads to disturbance of their function therefore the hormonal background which promotes occurrence of inflammatory process and its transition in a chronicity is broken. As the starting moment the easy malaise, a frigorism, constipations, stress, change of a habitual rhythm of a sexual life and other moments can serve even.
To prevent this disease, it is necessary to be engaged in mobile kinds of sports, visit pools is more often, use various training apparatus.

In the morning accept an alternating douche on a scrotum and perineum area (to begin and finish cool water).

In the morning and allow time for charging in the evening. It should include including: jumps on tiptoe 20 times, slow knee-bends of 10-12 times. To jump it is possible and within day, for example, ultram sale during a smoke break. Go quickly, vigorously more. Try not to use the lift (in reasonable limits).

In the evening take a warm ascending shower or a sedentary bath within 5-7 minutes, then enter into a rectum a candle with Ichthyolum.

Massage of lumbosacral department of a backbone is welcomed.

Treatment is defined by the urologist. It is referred on liquidation of the centres of an infection by anti-infectives, improvement of blood supply of a prostate by means of massage and physiotherapeutic procedures.

воскресенье, 16 ноября 2008 г.

Danger of illness of a prostate

Many men whom it is possible to name habitues sports and fitness of clubs, are well enough familiar with anatomy of a human body and first of all, with its musculation. And though well developed musculation will not disregard many women, it at all desire will not replace that can give rather imperceptible, is more true even invisible, muscularly-zhelezistnyj weight loss phentermine generic organ which outwardly looks as a kernel of the ripened chestnut, and from within - as a foetus of a walnut and is between a bladder, a rectum and a root of a sexual member. Yes, yes, it certainly a prostate differently called by a prostate.

It is possible to name this organ responsible for manufacture of a man's seed, its quality, and also for those sensations which accompany the man all time, since the first moment of excitation till last seconds an orgasm.

When the prostate is healthy, it practically does not show herself, but it is necessary to it to be ill, as ultram 50mg at once there are painful sensations in the bottom of a stomach, testicles and at an emiction which becomes more and more frequent phenomenon.

The chronic prostatitis is studied by medicine already more than 150 years. However to these it is difficult to guarantee 100 % a curability against a prostatitis. According to World organisations public health services (CART) all over the world from 20 to 45 % of men all over the world suffer from diseases of a prostate or, in other words, are ill with a prostatitis. In this connection efficiency of treatment of the given unpleasant disease in is much defined by use of modern medical products.

If in time not to address to the urologist, considering, that it of that is not necessary, it can soon be wrapped by serious sex disorders. And that suntanned athlete who excellently looks on a beach, in bed feels, at least, lost, losing the victorious look. After all sex for such buy levitra 20 mg person, becomes not pleasure, and some kind of serious work. The matter is that the chronic prostatitis leads to potency depression (a sexual inclination), and all efforts which erections of a sexual member if come to an end with good luck the short-term suffices should lead.

If as a result of such wearisome works also it will turn out to achieve an orgasm (about satisfaction of the partner and speech cannot be) instead of long-awaited pleasure, such the poor creature rather unpleasant and painful sensations which anything is other as implications of that chronic prostatitis wait.

From this leaves, that a prostatitis the real enemy of high-grade sex. Certainly, with it it is necessary to do something. Some, having heard about so-called physiotherapy exercises which should restore and strengthen health of it, important organ, start to carry out thoughtlessly various exercises, putting and without that the exhausted prostate still larger and has enough notable harm. Exercises are certainly necessary, but with them it is not necessary to hurry up too, exhausting itself them to exhaustion.
First, it is necessary to address to the doctor to the urologist who will prescribe the corresponding treatment referred on neutralisation of inflammatory processes and restoration of normal blood supply of a sick organ.

суббота, 15 ноября 2008 г.

Prostatitis - illness with the unknown cause

The inflammation of a prostate gland or prostatitis arises owing to diffusion of bacteria to urogenital sphere of the man. However not occurrence cases not a bacteriemic prostatitis are so rare. Its name says that it is not bound to bacteria. Anybody precisely does not know about its causes. Some experts put forward the immune theory though there are also buy levitra 20mg other versions. Only one it is for certain known: antibiotics on it do not react. The majority sick not a bacteriemic chronic prostatitis had no infection contaminations of urinary pathes. And though in abjections of Ferri lactas of such patients there are leucocytes (the white bloody cells responsible for destruction of an infection contamination), in urine an infection contamination to tap it was not possible.

Sometimes accurately enough it is possible to track a cause of illness. For example, carrying out of medical manipulations on urinary pathes - cystoscopy (visual research of a bladder), a bladder catheterization under those or other indications. In this case (though and it is rare) the trauma of urinary pathes and infection contamination entering is possible.

It is possible to carry an infection contamination of nephroses or a bladder, proctal sex at which hit of a microflora ultram 50 mg of an intestine in an urethra (urethra) is possible, and also to other possible risk factors the venereal diseases which originators are bacteria and the elementary.

At not a bacteriemic prostatitis the answer to a question of the cause of occurrence of disease is for certain unknown. The prostatitis is in general too wide name. Many urologists tell, that quite often to patients say, that at them a prostatitis, when actually it something absolutely another. As the prostatitis, especially not bacteriemic, is studied badly, doctors often happen are put in a desperate situation.

Reactions to a prostatitis of the men, suffering this illness as are diverse as disease paravariations. Basically it depends on its view in general to different sorts to the illnesses venenating human weight loss phentermine online life and as he is able to adapt to some inconveniences accompanying disease by a prostatitis. It is quite enough to some representatives of a masculine gender to know, that illness is not lethal.

пятница, 14 ноября 2008 г.

How to raise chances of conception?

The bad semen can be enriched. In leading domestic clinics the richest experience on a recovery, apparently, the most remediless forms of man's barrenness is saved up: from unique microsurgical operations to the complex program of hormonal and physiotherapeutic treatment thanks buy phentermine generic to which the chance of conception is now even at in what semen there is no spermatozoon.

If necessary doctors can activate man's spermatozoons and even to help them in penetration into an ootid for what on its outside cover the microscopical puncture becomes. Absolute success the unique method, the truth, does not guarantee, but it nevertheless is better, than anything.

To affect fruitfulness it is possible and not resorting to complex and expensive medical technologies. How? The Indian scientists consider as panacea for fruitless men water-melons, grapes and apples of love in which the lycopene - the connatural antioxidant possessing a promoting effect on genesial system contains. However, the volunteers who have taken part in the conforming research, fed not with vegetables and fruit, and gave the concentrated form of a medicine in tablets. Nevertheless results have turned out convincing. Under the ultram cheap statement of explorers, at 20 men after therapy by a lycopene the quantity of spermatozoons was enlarged, their activity has increased in three cases from four, in 63 % of cases indicators of the form of cells were enriched, and in 6 % of cases earlier fruitless men could conceive the child.

To beat barrenness will help genetics. Only there will be it, alas, at a distant day. The experimental method of treatment of the man's barrenness, offered by the American scientists, is meanwhile successfully tested on... Mice. The American scientists managed to secure a gene which is responsible for normal development of spermatozoons, and to introduce to its fruitless gnawers, having received from them healthy brooding. And though before method introduction in clinical practice of treatment of man's barrenness there will pass years, the Californian scientists are full of optimism. You look, and there will come time when to solve a problem of prolongation of a sort the simple nyxis will help.

Conception demands victims. For now it has buy levitra vardenafil not descended, prepare for victims. Without them in such serious and responsible business as sort continuation, not to manage. To begin with pass complex inspection. At least on presence of the latent infectious diseases transferred sexual by, harmful both for you, and for the future child. At least three months prior to prospective conception refuse for a while smoking and alcohol. Watch the food (it should be rich with squirrels and vitamins), avoid stresses and traumas, and also fashionable now starvation.

The semen suffers from a clamidiosis

From the infection contaminations, extending sexual by, a clamidiosis - the most widespread. This infection contamination is one of the barrenness causes, both at women, and at men.

Scientists from Spain have established, that under the influence of chlamydias the genetical frame of spermatozoons buy ultram online that reduces quality of a semen varies.

Chlamydia trachomatis - the clamidiosis originator, leads to an inflammation of members of a small basin of women which, in turn, promotes impassability formation in tubes that means barrenness. Men under the influence of an infection contamination can suffer an urethritis Weight Loss Phentermine (an urethra inflammation), often proceeding asymptomatically. Scientists in hospital Juan Kanaleho of university in Corunna investigated a semen of 143 men amazed with a clamidiosis.

Under the certificate of explorers, the men infested with a clamidiosis, had a semen with the lowered motility of spermatozoons and the high maintenance of modified spermatozoons.

Jose Fernandez supervising researches, with the employees has assumed, that treatment of the mentioned infection contamination by antibiotics is capable to raise quality of a man's semen. And these buy levitra vardenafil assumptions have proved to be true further: in the beginning of course of treatment conception has taken place at 13 % of observable pairs, and after carrying out of treatment by antibiotics, 86 % of pairs could make it already. Depression of quantity of fragmentations of DNA of spermatozoons approximately on 36 % was thus observed.

среда, 12 ноября 2008 г.

Difficult diagnostics of a prostatitis

The prostatitis is a disease which is presented by the symptoms caused by presence of an inflammation and (or) infectious process in a prostate. Number of symptoms concern: emiction disturbances, a pain in the field of a perineum, increase of an emiction and a pain during an ejaculation.

The acute bacteriemic prostatitis is usually ultram cheap acutely arisen disease with the body heat, the expressed disorders of an emiction, positive takes of research of urine on microorganisms and the flabby, enlarged and painful prostate at inspection.

The chronic bacteriemic prostatitis is characterised by a constant bacteriemic infection and presence of inflammatory cells in a prostate secret, despite numerous courses of long antibacterial therapy. Such buy vpxl preparation patients are disturbed for a long time by the symptoms accompanied by moderately expressed difficulty of an emiction.

To diagnose a prostatitis difficultly when it is not acute bacteriemic disease. It is difficult to carry out differential diagnostics between other diseases of a prostate as symptoms and the given inspections can be similar. The most frequent originator of a prostatitis is E. coli and a pyocyanic rod.

Patients often have stones in a prostate which can contain bacteria and subsequently serve as the reason of repeated infections. Now buy phentermine generic from all prostatic syndromes the prostatodynia most difficultly gives in to treatment as at it it is not found out neither infectious, nor inflammatory processes. To important such patients to acquaint with the nature of this syndrome.

That it is yet necessary to know about an impotency

Sores about which tell jokes, not so it is a lot of - unless a sclerosis and an impotency. But any man,knows: in this joke only a joke share. Whether it is time to understand, what to what?

In the course of time with all it happens?

- With many, but at all with all. An impotency not so obligatory companion of a pension age though in the course of time the percent of the men, suffering erectile dysfunction, is enlarged: if among 40-year-old those of 9-12 percent among 60-year-old 40 percent already there are more. But buy levitra cheap the reason - is not elderly. In overwhelming majority of cases of a problem with a potency accompany any illnesses, in particular a prostate adenoma, a hypertonia, the varicose phlebectasia, the most different traumas, endocrine diseases (including a diabetes).

Problems in bed - «from a head»?

- Once really was considered, that problems with a potency have, as a rule, the psychological reasons. Modern data are that: only in 30 percent of cases "root of all evil" - in a head. It can be pavor of first time, a consequence of chronic stresses, a neurosis of expectation of failure, etc. the Minimum in 50 percent of cases the reason organic, and in 20 percent - admixed.

The present scourge of men are vascular problems. After all Cheap Herbal Phentermine that the sexual member represents? An organ through penetrated by blood vessels which "revives" at the expense of a strong rush of blood. The hypertonia and an atherosclerosis (and with the years and a diabetes) blast vessels, that man's force, clearly, does not add. In group of risk and smokers: smoking breaks work peripheric (removed from heart) vessels is the fact which is not subject to doubt.

With the years sex is dangerous - the it is more than it, the more close an impotency?

- All very much the other way! The regular sexual life is if want, impotency preventive maintenance. With duration of sex contacts though decreases, but it not the occasion to say goodbye to sex, how many buy phentermine online generic years to the man has knocked. Doctors-andrologi who are engaged in treatment of erectile dysfunction, insistently advise to people of advanced age to avoid fixing sex diets.

If happens, for ever is it is not treated?

- Here it - the most important and harmful myth because of which very many men in the blossoming of years give up the sex life as a bad job. Only 1 from 10 men addresses for the help to the doctor, but even among those who comes, third are not assured, that problems can be solved. Wish to know, how affairs actually are? In 95 percent of cases doctors manage to lift fighting spirit (and all the rest) patients - is necessary only correct diagnostics and adequate treatment. And in general there is a world standard: each man is more senior 40 years should to visit the urologist a minimum of times in a year.

понедельник, 10 ноября 2008 г.

News about man's contraceptives

Scientists have promoted in search of a new contraceptive agent which can supervise man's fruitfulness. After long researches, fiber which plays the major role, both for contraception, and for sterility treatment is found out.
The Chinese researchers order vpxl have declared, that scientists did not know till now the mechanism of action of a man's sexual hormone. Testosteron-Depotum, order cheap ultram online at injection introduction simultaneously with another, synthetic, suppresses semen production. Using data of the previous researches, scientists searched for discernments about effects of these hormones on genesial system of the man.
In the new research among men-volunteers, scientists have found out, that injection introduction of Testosteron-Depotum changes order cheap phentermine production of 13 fibers. At the same time, Testosteron-Depotum introduction influences already 31 fibers.
This opening gives a direction in search of a point of the appendix for creation of contraceptive effect. Also studying of these fibers can give additional possibilities in treatment of man's sterility.

пятница, 7 ноября 2008 г.

From a sclerosis to an orgasm

Erection disorders can have psychological, hormonal or vascular character. About vascular disturbances we also wish to talk today. According to urologists, they make to 60 % of all reasons of an impotency. And the main problem here - an atherosclerosis. What is such?
Atherosclerosis - not only the most frequent reason of erectile dysfunction, but also the originator of the highest mortality.
The penis which receives less nutrients, refuses to work in a "hungry" regimen. At an atherosclerosis of a wall of arteries are condensed and lose elasticity that conducts to narrowing of their viagra lumen so and to difficulty of a current of blood. It is broken, inflow of arterial blood to a penis and outflow of the venous.
Frequently, problems in intimate sphere becomes the first signal of a lesion of blood vessels. Therefore, before to accept medicines, hand over the analysis of blood and be convinced that level of cholesterol at you of norm. Other methods of diagnostics are besides, necessary also. They allow to tap this disease at early stages - the method ultrasonic doplerography is for this purpose developed. In general, at the first suspicion on an atherosclerosis of vessels, inspection at the cardiologist simply necessarily.
Persons of an average and advanced age become victims of an atherosclerosis usually.
However atherosclerotic changes are found out, in some cases, even in children. And still say, that the atherosclerosis is, basically, an illness of people with high intelligence.
Illness becomes perceptible at order ultram online men is more senior 35 years subject to frequent stresses more often. Also at disease by an atherosclerosis the hereditary factor matters. The diabetes, adiposity, a gout, a cloelithiasis etc. a Food with superfluous quantity of animal Adeps promote development of an atherosclerosis plays an essential role as the factor contributing to an atherosclerosis, but not as an atherosclerosis original cause. The great value in an atherosclerosis parentage suffices small physical activity has. It is necessary to consider as the important reason the psychoemotional overstrain injuring nervous system, influence of intense rate of a life, the hum, some specific working conditions etc.
The atherosclerosis begins that the raised cholesterol in blood is postponed on an internal surface of blood vessels, forming atherosclerotic plaques. The atherosclerosis of vessels develops in a current of several years slowly, but truly grasping still the intact vessels. Since that moment when the artery lumen is narrowed more than on half, the person order cheap levitra starts to feel first signs of shortage of blood supply of a tissue or an organ.
The raised level of cholesterol speaks about already begun disease.
Doctors advise to such people to adhere to a diet almost excluding animal Adepses.

четверг, 6 ноября 2008 г.

Charging for a perineum

Surprisingly, but the fact: to avoid a prostatitis it is possible easily and simply, despite of ingenuity and still incomplete awareness of medical stars on this disease.
In case of already available chronic prostatitis that can sympathise sincerely, the prevention of backsets is possible. Councils are for this purpose easy and plain:
• have regularly sex! Sex - a perfect order vpxl mean of preventive maintenance of a prostatitis. It is bound by that at regular employment by love chances for reproduction of bacteria in Ferri lactas ducts decrease. The stagnation of prostatic juice, the more low probability of buy viagra occurrence of disease less.
• However do not change partners as glove! Illegibility in sexual contacts can hurt only to a prostate! Certainly, it would be desirable to have a reputation for Casanova, but we after all not enemies to the health? By the way, venereal diseases enlarge risk of development of an acute and chronic bacteriemic prostatitis.
• Conduct an awake mode of life. If your job is bound to a sitting position, rise because of a desktop more often, walk on Herbal Phentermine firm corridors, and it is possible and to walk minutes 10-15 on a crisp air during a lunch rest. On an anatropic path rise on a floor on foot.
• Remember a cartoon film "Charging for a tail"? About what there it was spoken? Correctly! That charging is for only. Means, is and for a prostate. Sitting on a workplace, effect locomotions by perineum muscles, as though involving in itself a rectum. From a periodic strain and a release phenomenon of muscles of a perineum stagnation of blood not only in the field of a prostate, but also a rectum, and it - also hemorrhoids preventive maintenance - the disease often arising from a long sitting position decreases. By the way, very in a fantastic way! All think, that you work, and you are engaged in charging. Be engaged in awake kinds of sports - volleyball, football, tennis, go to pool more often.
• Avoid a frigorism! There is such concept as "a sleeping infection contamination" are microorganisms which at normally working immune system do not call acute diseases and are in "consent" with an organism. At a frigorism immune forces of an organism temporarily decrease and during this moment the infection contamination leaves from under its control.
• the Spicy food, also as well as smoked, promotes recapture of the acute season of chronic diseases. The same ruthless specificity abudant consumption of strong alcoholic drinks and coffee possesses. Last is not recommended to be drunk more than two-three cups in day.

воскресенье, 2 ноября 2008 г.

Physicians declare, that men have menopauses

The man's menopause is known. As transfers КорреспонденТ.net, its symptoms include depression, muscular delicacy and addition in weight. Recent researches have shown, that the given disease can be bound to adiposity and diabetes.
Arising at age falling of viagra super active level of Testosteron-Depotum, menopause from which 20 % of men suffer, can be cured therapy on replacement of hormones (hormone replacement therapy), assures scientists.
Eberhard Nishlag, the expert in andrology, from Mjunstersky university in Germany, is assured, that men with symptoms of deficiency of level of Testosteron-Depotum should be checked at the doctor. They buy cipro should not write off all on ageing.
Nishlag speaks: «It can be depression, weariness, depression of sex interest, fragility of bones - all these factors can speak about a disadvantage of Testosteron-Depotum of blood».
«Age depression of level of Testosteron-Depotum is a reality», - speaks Adrian Dobs from John Hopkins's university in Baltimore, staff Mirilend, adding thus, that if at the man the given signs it is necessary to prescribe treatment are found out.
Growing unanimity about the fact of existence of a man's menopause has induced a large quantity of the organisations worldwide including International association on research of man's ageing, International levitra community and European urological association, to recommend to test men.
In particular they call all suffering diabetes and having symptoms of deficiency of Testosteron-Depotum to be checked at corresponding experts. It will allow to tap much more larger quantity of the men, suffering a disadvantage of level of Testosteron-Depotum.
«It should tap set of men with low level of Testosteron-Depotum which before houses simply would sit and have gone to the doctor», - Hju Johns from Shefildsky university speaks.
Set of researches bind low level of Testosteron-Depotum to adiposity and diabetes, though scientists say what too early to say that the hormonetherapy can improve a condition of the people suffering from the given illness.